William Casey Caldwell
Professor William Caldwell teaches courses in English literature, especially early modern drama, as well as courses on ghost stories in literature and film, literature and citizenship, and love and money. His research focuses on how Shakespeare and his contemporary playwrights addressed economic issues surrounding citizenship in early modern England.
Prof. Caldwell is also interested in how these economic aspects of citizenship, including employment, poverty, and urban power, often intersected with social issues related to gender, sexuality, nationality, and race.
Prof. Caldwell has also worked with many professional theaters and performance education programs in early modern theater, including Shakespeare’s Globe Theater in London, the American Shakespeare Center in Virginia, Austin Shakespeare, Chicago Shakespeare, and the Shakespeare at Winedale program.
- Ph.D. — English literature, Northwestern University
- M.F.A. — Concentration in Directing, Shakespeare and Performance Program at Mary Baldwin University in Partnership with the American Shakespeare Center
- M.Litt. — Early Modern Drama, Shakespeare and Performance Program at Mary Baldwin University in Partnership with the American Shakespeare Center
- M.A. — Philosophy, University of Auckland, New Zealand
- B.A. — Philosophy, Minor in Mathematics, University of Texas at Austin
- ENG 3150 Studies in a Major Author Prior to 1800: Quixotic Legacies
- ENG 3110 Shakespeare
- ENG 3010W Commerce and Power in Shakespearean Drama
- ENG 3010W Citizenship in Early Modern Drama
- ENG 3010W Love and Money from Shakespeare to Crazy Rich Asians
- ENG 1160W Ghost Stories in Literature and Film
- ENG 1160W Literatures of Citizenship
- Editor (2018–present): The Hare: An Online Journal of Untimely Reviews in Early Modern Theater, http://thehareonline.com/
- “Brexit, Shylock, and Urban Citizenship.” In None a Stranger Here: England and/in Europe on the Early Modern Stage, edited by Scott Oldenburg and Matteo Pangallo. University of Alabama, forthcoming.
- “‘Ye Pay All Alike:’ The Vice of Collecting Money in Mankind.” In Money and Magic in Early
Modern Drama, edited by David Hawkes. New York: The Arden Shakespeare, 2022. - “Shakespeare’s Henry V and the Ciphers of History,” SEL: Studies in English Literature, Spring 2021.
- “The Comic Structure of the Globe: History, Direct Address, and the Representation of Laughter in a Reconstructed Playhouse,” Shakespeare Bulletin 31 (2013), 375–403.
- “The Reconstructed Dramaturg” (with Amy Kenny), Theatre Topics 24.1 (Mar. 2014), 11-23.